
Relax! Your Surrogate Is Pregnant Now!

The journey of parenthood for an infertile couple is an expedition! Literally, it is. It begins with the news of infertility. It grows with the mental tension, emotional worries, and social pressure. It strikes to reality with the fertility treatment and cycles of IVF attempts. It shakes you with the failed attempts of IVF trials. […]

Important Things to Know About Surrogacy in Ukraine

Ukraine is one of the popular surrogacy destinations chosen by international intended parents. The country has the best surrogacy facilities, egg donation agencies, and surrogate mothers to support the surrogacy procedure. Local women are largely involved in the procedure and, thus, the surrogacy cases are handled successfully without any delay or hazard. International intended parents […]

How to Combat the Risks of Surrogacy Program

Many infertile couples have been going for surrogacy in order to have a genetically connected child. Surrogacy procedure is often taken by couples who have been tired of failed pregnancies through IVF procedure. This is the time when they remain most sensitive to become parents, and at the same time remain restless due to the […]

Combating Dishonesty of Fertility Clinics in Egg Donation

We have emphasized in many of our blogs about the ethical approach of various fertility clinics operating globally. We have constantly updated our readers with the unethical practices followed by various reputed fertility clinics. It is important for intended parents to understand the importance of ethics in this treatment. There are many fertility clinics that […]

Menopause and Peri Menopause

Menopause means the end of the menstrual cycle. It is diagnosed after going 12 consecutive months without a period. Menopause does not come at a concrete age, it is individual and will usually happen in 40s or 50s. The age at which menopause comes can be genetical. Women who have a family history of early […]

Endometrial Scratching and IVF

IVF is a complex treatment where not all of the cycles are successful. After several unsuccessful IVF attempts, intended parents often ask about alternative treatment techniques and endometrial scratching is one of them. What is Endometrial Scratching? The inner side of the uterus is lined by the endometrium. One of the most crucial parts of […]

Tips for Painless Surrogacy Journey

It is a generous and selfless act of a woman to act as a surrogate mother. She gives her mind, body, and soul to nurture the baby of another family. She dedicates her body conceive for a childless couple and give them a baby. The noble cause of surrogacy has its own set of challenges. […]

Common Misconceptions About PGD And PGS You Should Know

When it comes to PGD and PGS, there are a lot of experts around us. Our family, relatives, friend, colleagues, and acquaintances everyone seems to be an expert. Of course, you have your doctor as well to tell you about PGD And PGS. So, amongst all these “experts” around us, we gather a lot of […]

Why Agencies Need to take Good Care of their Surrogate Mothers

As surrogacy agencies, we have a noble goal: to create life and help families grow. This requires that our bottom-line mission be to the health and wellness of families everywhere. This includes our surrogate mothers and their respective families. There are some surrogacy agencies who do not treat their surrogate mothers with the care and […]

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