Because we understand the urgency of your needs once you have made the decision to choose IVF, we pride ourselves on maintaining open and efficient channels of communication with every party involved. From the first moment you contact us, we will keep you informed every step of the way as we walk with you on your journey to parenthood.
We start by discussing our routine medical screening, which is required in order to be accepted into our IVF program. Upon successfully passing this screening, you will be invited to begin treatment at our IVF clinic. Our doctors are success-oriented, but flexible to ensure they are meeting your unique needs. They will keep an open and honest discussion with you at all stages of the program, and we welcome you to do the same with them.
At our clinic, you may experience “traditional” IVF (dependent upon the number and quality of eggs, and quality of sperm) and IVF with ICSI. Our clinic has the capability of transferring day three embryos and cultivating embryos to the blastocyst stage; upon request or necessity, we can also perform assisted hatching. Parents-to-be with medical needs or looking to balance their families are encouraged to talk to us about PGD for gender selection.