Success Rate

Success rate in IVF is what parents start their research with when they decide on going for IVF or surrogacy. This is very true beginning of considering doing IVF, you need assurance that you have the highest chance of achieving your goal of bringing a new life into your family. To ensure that ultimate goal of the couples, goal of having babies is achieved New Life always works with most reputable IVF clinics.
Success rates of the IVF clinics are achieved and maintained by having most up to date technologies and laboratory, hiring and training best medical team, concentrating on quality control and continusly improving the knowledge and methods of IVF. We can say very self confidently that IVF clinics we work with satisfy all above criteria.

Along with our swift and outstanding services we are proud to offer parents 70-75% percent success rate when having surrogacy with egg donation and IVF with egg donation programs with us. The confidence in our success allows us to offer our intended parents guaranteed surrogacy programs. This had caught the interest of many intended parents and they found this offer very relieving as with having this program they can calculate their expenses more precisely and they know for sure with this payment they have guaranteed baby.

Ukraine IVF Success Rate

This also deepened their trust in the clinics, because the clinic that offers guaranteed IVF program means that they are fully confident in their success.

Self Cycle surrogacy programs (when using own eggs and sperm) may have little lower success rate and can be between 50-52 percent. This is because the program outcome depends on the medical condition of the patient, their age, their ovarian reserve and many other factors. Parents conditions should be accepted as it is and we have to try our best to work on their chances to have babies genetically linked to both parents. If after few attempts parents are not receiving good enough quality embryos that result to pregnancy, parents are suggested to move to donor programs. This is not distracting them very much, as parents’ main goal when approaching us is to have a baby in their life.

We would like to mention that success rates of frozen embryo transfers are very much equal to fresh embryos.