
Communication with a Surrogate Mother during a Pregnancy

Intended Parents are always welcome to meet their surrogate mother, before and during the pregnancy. This meeting could be very emotional and because of this, it is sometimes difficult for everyone to fully express their sentiments, to give strength and moral support to each other. And here, once again, the third party becomes vital, the […]

A great beginning of the year

The New Year in New Life Ukraine began with the wonderful news, happiness and smiles! We would like to congratulate the wonderful couple from Spain with the completion of their family, to wish them all the best and to thank for choosing New Life Ukraine! We believe that such an active and a great beginning […]

The cute Spanish girl

New Life Ukraine is happy to share with you our wonderful news! Several days ago the cute Spanish girl was delivered with help of our Surrogate Mother. It was the second attempt for this couple and we are very glad that Parents did not lose their faith after the first attempt and were sure that […]

Wonderful news!

New Life Ukraine Team is happy to share with you wonderful news! Several days ago a Spanish couple was blessed with baby boy! Despite of the fact that little boy decided to meet his parents a little bit earlier, he feels well and already was discharged from Maternity House. Parents are extremely happy and very […]

Guaranteed Baby Program

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