
Necessity for embryo transfer

It is a fact that embryo transfer increases the chance of pregnancy. Having sexual intercourse around the time of embryo transfer further enhances the chances to conceive. The early embryo implantation and its subsequent fetal development would increase the success rate of pregnancy carrying it through till it reaches maturity eventually delivering the baby. The embryo […]

How to access correct information while going for fertility services

Choosing the right clinic Globalization has made information travel from one corner of the globe to the other in lightning speed. Thanks to the fast electronic media for making us aware of what is going in and around us in a world that has really been shrunk by internet and the social networking sites like […]

Expecting the unexpected in fertility tourism

In a fertility trip abroad things can work out very differently than what you had expected. Your plans might not pan out the way they should have. You may hit the wrong clinic due to a set of wrong information you had been supplied and acted upon. The worst thing is you find this after […]

Genetic Disorders and Male Infertility

As assisted reproductive technology (ART) has been making breakthroughs in understanding infertility and its causing factors, one of the fields to explore was always genetics. It appeared that in females as well as in males, infertility can indeed be due to genetic causes. Researchers have explored how chromosomal abnormalities and genetic mutations can lead to […]

Blood Clotting Problems and Follicles Stimulation

The reasons why intended parents turn to surrogacy and egg donation are various. The majority of us are already well familiar with the most common ones : intended mother’s age or her low ovarian reserve. The common reasons also include health and genetic conditions that either interfere with ovulation and healthy cycle or have a […]

Kallmann Syndrome and Infertility

The syndrome we are going to discuss is a genetic disorder that affects both females and males. Having a straightforward connection with sexual hormones and the sexual maturation, you will further see why Kallmann syndrome is an indication that the patient will most likely need to consider IVF treatment as well as egg donation when […]

Synechiae of the Uterine Cavity

Endometriosis is a common cause of infertility. It is a disease, which is defined by local uterine tissue growing outside the uterus, which causes inflammation and irritation. It is one of the most painful disorders that occur when the tissue that usually lines the inside of the uterus, known as the endometrium, begins to develop […]

Can Number of Eggs be Assured after Egg Retrieval?

The decision to get help from an egg donor to have a baby is one of the most important choices intended parents will ever make. It is a vital phase in the IVF procedure, when they agree to get eggs from a donor. This usually happens when an intended parent experiences failures in the IVF […]

Intervals Between the Follicles Stimulations

Conventional IVF is also known as a “test tube baby” treatment and is used very widely. With the help of egg donation and IVF, women who struggle with infertility still have a very good chance of having babies. Let us share some of the essential and interesting facts about IVF with you. A little bit […]

When Does the Doctor Recommend Replacing the Surrogate Mother for the Program

Selecting a surrogate mother is a complex process and consists of several steps. First of all, choosing an appropriate candidate is a huge job and a great responsibility for an IVF doctor. Numerous factors have to be checked and double checked before admitting a surrogate mother to a program : medical history, current state of […]

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