Does the Multiple Embryos Transfer Guarantee Twin Pregnancy?
BackIt is a known fact that there is a connection between IVF and a multiple pregnancy. In fact, the field of surrogacy includes numerous cases when intended parents are gifted with twins or triplets. For the reference, we talk about multiple pregnancy when mother or a surrogate is carrying more than one fetuses at a time.
Briefly about the connection
Generally, it is a good practice to transfer more than 1 embryos (2 or 3 ) at a time. This is done in sake of avoiding additional medical procedures, which may be unaffordable financially as well as of an undesired medical load for the female body. Higher the number of embryos, higher the chances that at least one of them will implant successfully and lead to the much desired outcome.
However, much does not always mean better. The number of transferred embryos should not exceed 3. Provided that all of them may implant successfully, carrying more than 3 fetuses may become too much of a load for a female body and result in undesired consequences, such as the termination of pregnancy.
Chances of a twin pregnancy
Having understood the connection, a number of intended parents tend to ask about their chances of having twins and whether there can be a guarantee for having to babies.
First of all, it is important to realize that different IVF clinics have different medical protocols. Some of them may transfer two of the best quality day 5 (blastocyst) embryos, while others transfer three of the day 3 embryos, two of which are of the highest quality and the third one of the less.
Embryos are indeed graded according to their quality on the third and fifth days after the retrieval and classified by their chances of successful implantation and development. Here we come to the first and the huge factor that plays a role in the pregnancy — quality of embryos.
Another major factor that has a great contribution to the successful outcome is the health of a gestational carrier. Hereby, it is important to realize that surrogates are admitted to the program only after they are thoroughly checked and are absolutely suitable for carrying not only a single baby, but twins and triplets too. The same applies to the transfer to the intended mother. Her medical condition is observed closely and the transfer occurs when she is in the most appropriate condition.
What about the guarantees?
In each medical field, including fertility, it is complicated to talk about guarantees. Especially in this case, when we have two major factors that have great influence on the outcome.
However, when we have a reasonable background to conclude that gestational carrier’s health is absolutely satisfying and embryos are indeed of a high quality, we can indeed talk about the increased chances of the twin pregnancy.