Egg Donation and Ovarian Polycystic Syndrome
BackPolycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is considered as one of the major causes of female infertility. Almost 40% women suffer from some degrees of polycystic ovaries (PCO). Women with PCO may not have problems in conceiving. But, some women have lesser number of follicles on their ovaries that have more chances of getting stuck at any point of development before the stage of producing an egg. The medical term for such syndrome is polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). It mainly happens due to a hormonal imbalance. Raise in Luteinising Hormone (LH) majorly occurs this.
PCOS has several symptoms to identify it. The most common symptoms are:
- Irregular Periods: Longer or shorter menstrual cycles are big alarm of PCOS. If you have noticed failed periods in few months, you should check up with the doctor to find out the reason to it. Prolonged menstruation along with heavy bleeding suggests PCOS in development.
- Elevated levels of androgen: Elevated levels of androgen hormone in the body causes facial hair growth in women. Such women mostly suffer from acne or may be baldness or androgenic alopecia. Women suffering from such syndromes should consult their gynecologist for PCOS.
- Polycystic ovaries: Enlarged polycystic ovaries filled with multiple small fluid-filled sacs around the eggs are also another symptom of it.
Women suffering from PCOS usually go for an egg donor to get a quality egg for their childbirth process. Supportive and helpful egg donors come forward to donate their eggs to such women who dream to become a parent with the help of IVF and surrogacy. This is one of the wonderful human inventions in the field of medical science that gives the opportunity to couples with PCOS to become parents of their own child.
The divine service of egg donors is made more advances by the medications they undergo. In order to get more numbers of healthy eggs, the egg donors go through hormonal medications that increase the quality of their eggs. The idea is to get the maximum number of healthy eggs in this process to support parenthood in PCOS couples.
Why does PCOS occur?
We really do not know why PCOS occur but there are a number of theories. We know there are genetic links but no specific genetic markers.
There is a number of the theory behind the occurrence of PCOS in women. Some researchers in this field connect this with genetics. The two cell gonadotropin theory, which is a most accepted theory on this explains why PCOS occurs in a different way. Hyper-insulinaemia also causes PCOS as in this syndrome the body produces a high amount of insulin that raises the male hormones in the female body and decreases the proportion of oestrogen.
Women mostly come to know about this disorder in them in their teenage after puberty. This is the time when they are supposed to track the regularities of their monthly menstruation calendar. Doctors also suggest the same to girls who have just attained puberty to note the dates of their months and report it to them. This helps in identifying the possibilities of PCOS or any other syndrome in them at an early stage. However, minor menstrual irregularities are common, which is why PCOS sometimes remains unidentified at an early stage and left untreated.
Women in their fertile year’s notices failed attempts of natural conceiving despite multiple trials due to the occurrence of PCOS. IVF has the immense scope of treatment for such cause of infertility. Many women choose to take help from egg donors who come forward to donate their eggs for the fertilization process. It is obvious that hiring an egg donor increases the budget of IVF. Hence, many couples go for another option, which is the use of cryopreserved eggs. This technique stores healthy eggs in its best stage for more time for the infertile couples to use in future. Many times we have come across couples who have objections in using cryopreserved eggs as they have notions of them being the discarded one. However, our IVF and surrogacy program explains them the real reasons and concept behind such preservation and respect the services of the egg donors.
Does PCOS cause reduce the quality of egg/embryo?
Yes, women with PCOS, who are undergoing IVF treatment usually produce a disproportionate number of eggs which are of poor quality and reduces the fertilization potential. The embryos formed by fertilizing such eggs also have poor developmental potential. The eggs of PCOS women have an intrinsic defect, which is more likely to be the consequence of the production of an excessive local variant of androgen hormones, and are aggravated by extreme ovarian hyper stimulation.
The first step of couples undergoing treatment for PCOS to become a parent is to find a reliable egg donor. Almost all fertility clinics have their database of egg donors to suggest the couples in case of failure of quality egg production even after prolonged IVF treatment. Couples, who are here for childbirth through IVF and surrogacy, are of the intention to save time and money. They also prefer to cut short the treatment procedure by hiring an egg donor for themselves. Assisted fertility techniques of offering an egg donor eradicate the obstacles and barriers of fertility and make it faster towards having a successful pregnancy.
Using egg donors for the purpose of fertilization
As fertility clinics, it is our major responsibility to pre-screen the eggs donated by egg donors before preserving or using it. We pay huge attention to extensively go through the application of all those egg donors who apply to us to help. It is someone’s dream to active parenthood and under no circumstances shall it be taken lightly anywhere. The prospective egg donors are sent to go through a series of medical tests to check their fertility quotient through minimally invasive procedures. We enroll donors with us who do not smoke and are physically and mentally fit in their prime childbearing age.
Hopeful couples are explained with all the possibilities and pros & cons of egg donation. They have explained the reasons for their infertility if it is due to PCOS. Or else, there are many instances where couples suffer from unexplained reasons of infertility. We put forward all the benefits as well as challenges they are going to experience in the process of working with an egg donor. We stand in their support in this commitment and expect their participation in the egg donation procedure.
There are several egg donation agencies who work hand in hand with IVF clinics and surrogacy centers. The intended parents get to choose from their database and even interview the donors before hiring them. In case the couple goes for a cryopreserved egg, they are supplied with all the documents related to the donor and quality of the eggs. The eggs that are preserved for future eggs are actually the extra number of healthy eggs that was not used. Those are stored to be utilized in future to reduce the cost and time of this patient procedure. We understand the care that the intended parents need to deserve in these critical times of their lives, and, hence, support them with best of our services that we can offer.